Cool Story, Bro.
As a kid, Tony had two main passions; bikes and art. He quickly realized which he was better at.
So Tony began to draw and paint on anything he could get his hands on. Paper to canvas; canvas to plywood; plywood to bridges; bridges to buildings; buildings to trouble. In an attempt to keep Tony on track, his parents bought him an airbrush kit. While working on his degree in graphic design he began exploring the possibilities of his newly acquired tool. After finishing school, he moved from Asheville, North Carolina to Steamboat Springs, Colorado chasing good times and fresh snow.
In 2012, Tony was hired by Specialized Bicycles and moved to Morgan Hill, California. By day, he led retail development classes, group rides and worked to get people stoked on bikes. By night, he was an independent backyard paint slinger, experimenting, learning and sharpening his skills.
Once word got out, the side projects began to stack up. With momentum building, Tony decided to run with it. He left Specialized and moved to Bellingham, WA in 2016 to pursue a life of making things rad full time.